Multimedia Design & Communication
Rest In Peace - aquarel on paper 2015.
I made this piece when it became very hip to upload pictures of dead animals to instagram. I found the sudden blossoming of the morbid trend at the same time bizare and amusing.
Palm Oil - ink on paper 2016.
as a comment on the use of palm oil and the effects on the rain forrest.
Green Energi - light bulbs & succulents 2014, exhibited at Sustainable Citizen Festival.
Self caring plant terrariums - The mordern dream and nightmare concerning self-sufficiency & isolation.
10.000 - gouache on paper 2014.
A comment on the news of cavity searches on 10.000 pigeons. They searched for cameras on the celebration of national day of national day at the gate heavenly peace
One-child Policy - aquarel on paper 2013.
The consequences of the one-child Policy made the sex toy industri in China boom! For every Chinese female there are 3 males.
Virtual Pleasure - acrylic on canvas 2013, exhibited at Galore Festival.
Girls suffering from anorexia nervosa, startet starving themselves 1 hour for every "like" they got on social media.